
IMaNema is organised by the Nematology Coordination Office, headed by the director. There is an Educational Committee and an Examination Committee.

All lecturers and key staff are members of these Committees. Students are also represented in the Educational Committee.

The lecturing staff consists of lecturers from Ghent University, visiting professors and assisting staff.

Assisting Staff

Lab Technician - Nematology Research Group - Ghent University

PhD student - Nematology Research Unit

Lab Technician - Nematology Research Group - Ghent University

Curator of the Ghent University Zoology Museum; co-lecturer of the course units Nematode Morphology and Nematode Systematics and Evolution

PhD student at Nematology Research Unit

PhD student - Nematology Research Unit

Lecturers Ghent University

Tenured academic staff at the Faculty of Sciences - Dept. Biology - Research Group for Aging Physiology and Molecular Evolution 

Chair Nematology Examination Committee
Lecturer Nematodes as Model Organism

His research focuses on the biochemistry and physiology of the aging process in C. elegans. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has been used extensively as a model system to study the genetic underpinnings of a wide range of biological processes in multicellular organisms (among them development, neurobiology, behavior and aging). He is researching the biochemistry and physiology of the aging process in C. elegans. The multitude of molecular and genetic tools available for this model allow to study the biology of longevity at molecular detail. Energy metabolism, protein turnover, caloric restriction, mitochondrial and radical biology are subfields of aging research that currently attract his attention.

Former Director of the International MSc in Agro- and Environmental Nematology
Lecturer for the course Nematode Morphology
Former Senior Scientist at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences

Her research focuses on the systematics (based on microscopy and molecular data), morphology (light microscopy and ultrastructure), phylogeny, zoogeography of plant-parasitic nematodes, more specifically of the virus vector families Trichodoridae and Longidoridae. She also studies the taxonomy, morphology, and phylogeny of free-living nematodes, more specifically of marine nematode taxa, such as Desmoscolecida, Epsilonematidae and Draconematidae. She is author of a book on Trichodoridae and author/co-author of 10 book chapters and more than 140 refereed papers in scientific journals.

Tenured academic staff at the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Dept. of Molecular Biotechnology
Lecturer of the course: Molecular Toolbox, co-lecturer of the course Nematological Techniques

She has worked on the application of molecular markers and DNA sequencing to study genetic diversity, phylogenetic relationships and population genetics of different tropical tree species. Her postdoctoral research project started in October 2006 and focused on the analysis of parasitism genes in different plant-parasitic nematodes, both sedentary and migratory species. The aim of this project was to investigate their evolution and to optimize RNAi conditions and evaluate the effect of gene silencing of different target genes.

From October 2009 on, she has been working as FWO postdoctoral fellow on a project that studies the plant response in rice upon nematode infection. An ultramodern transcriptome profiling method called RNA seq will therefor be applied. Rice, a model organism for monocots and a very important crop, is infected with both the sedentary root knot nematode Meloidogyne graminicola and the migratory nematode Hirschmanniella oryzae. Gene expression after infection with these two nematodes will be thoroughly studied, both locally and systemically. The results will provide important insights into the metabolic and regulatory pathways that may play intrinsic roles in nematode parasitism and plant defense. This understanding is essential for developing novel plant resistance against nematodes.

Tenured academic staff at the Faculty of Sciences - Dept. of Biology - Research Group Marine Biology
Lecturer of the course: General Nematode Biology and Interactions and Biomonitoring

His main research topics are feeding ecology of aquatic nematodes, benthic food web structure and dynamics, stable isotope ecology (using both natural and experimentally enriched isotope abundances of C and N), population ecology of aquatic nematodes, community ecology, population genetics, cryptic diversity and phylogeography of aquatic nematodes.

Secretary of the Nematology Educational Committee and Nematology Examination Committee
Lecturer of the course: Nematology Didactics & Capacity Building

She holds a BSc in Biology (Autonomous University of Barcelona-UAB), a BSc in Agronomy in Crop and Livestock Management (Technical University of Catalonia- UPC), and a MSc in Biotechnology and Sustainability (UPC). From 2005 to 2010 she pursued her PhD studies at the Plant Pathology Department of the Institute for Research and Technology, Food and Agriculture (IRTA) (Spain), where her main research focus was on the biological control of plant parasitic nematodes for sustainable intensification in horticultural and citrus crops, combining the use of rootstocks, resistant-germplasm, and bioprotectants. She is now a Senior Scientific Officer at VIB-IPBO where she works on the development of projects and scientific networks to promote the cooperation between European and African research and educational institutions to build up the technical capacity of scientists and enable scientific advances in agriculture for food security. Previously she was an associate scientist at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) (2016-2020), based in Kenya but involved in a whole range of activities across the African continent. While at IITA her work was focused on developing sustainable options for plant parasitic nematode management, primarily in smallholder systems towards improving food security in Africa. Capacity building features prominently in all of Laura’s activities and is heavily involved in developing the next generation of soil health scientists in Africa and is Visiting Professor at UGhent University for the International MSc in Nematology. Laura has lived in East Africa from 2011 until 2020, providing advisory services to small-scale farmers, through public and private organizations, including the Somalia Program of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN.

Lecturer course unit Strategies for Research and BePrep referesher's course Ecology

Lecturer of the course unit Applied Statistics

Nematology Coordination Office

Tenure track lecturer at the Faculty of Sciences - Dept. Biology - Head of Nematology Research Unit
Chairman Nematology Educational Committee
Lecturer of the courses: Nematological Techniques, Nematode Systematics and Evolution, Soil Biodiversity, Professional Internship, Summer Course: Networking & Seminars
Co-lecturer of the courses: Diversity of Plant-parasitic Nematodes, Datamining, Processing and Communication

His main research interests include evolution of plant-parasitism, nematode morphology (light and electron microscopy), taxonomy and phylogeny of Tylenchomorphadiversity, succession of compost nematodes, and cryptic biodiversity. A key objective of his research is an integrative combination of morphology and sequences to assess nematode biodiversity: he wants to optimise nematode taxonomy combining (digital) morphological vouchers, DNA-based species delimitation, and all other relevant information using comprehensive databanks.
He supervises several PhD students, several MSc students, and author of more than 60 refereed publications.

Tenured academic staff at the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Dept. of Molecular Biotechnology, UGent.
Lecturer of the course Molecular Aspects of Plant Nematode Relationships

Her expertise includes plant transformation, analysis of genetic diversity, DNA markers, molecular biology techniques (cloning, molecular analyses), and plant-nematode interactions.

She manages the administration and logistics of the IMaNema master programme, supports lecturers in the organisation of their course units and assists students during their study career in the programme. She is driver of several applications for educational projects. She is member of the Nematology Educational Committee and represents the master programme on the Facultary Commission Internationalisation.

She is the Assistant Coordinator of the IMaNema master programme. She offers staff and students administrative and logistical support and follows up on various educational projects and activities. She has experience in the administration of higher education and research projects.

Visiting Lecturers

Researcher at Plant Research International at Wageningen University
Lecturer of the course: Quantitative Plant Nematology, co-lecturer of the courses: Nematological Techniques and Management of Plant Parasitic Nematodes
Computers and Internet, Plant Parasitic Nematodes, Integrated Control, Chemical Control, Geographical information systems, Modeling, Nematoda, Decision support systems, Risk assessment, Spatial distribution, Computer software, Nematicides, Nematology, Programming.  Population dynamics, yield estimation, (partial) resistance, sampling methods and control measures combined into Decision Support Methods

Assistent Professor at Wageningen University - Dept. of Soil Quality
Lecturer of the course: Soil Biodiversity and Nematodes as Bio-indicators of Soil Health

He is a soil ecologist and did his PhD on a thesis entitled ‘Terrestrial Nematodes in a changing environment’. In this work the application of nematodes as bioindicators was investigated. During these days he was involved in the development of the nematode Maturity Index and related issues, like e.g. cp triangles and soil food-web diagnostics.

At the Department of Soil Quality his research focuses on biomonitoring of soil quality, on soil biodiversity, and on nutrient dynamics in agricultural soils. This research includes studies on the ecology of nematodes, mainly free-living terrestrial species, and their use as bioindicators. However, also other soil fauna, like earthworms and enchytraeids, are included. Among others, he participates in the Dutch Soil Quality Monitoring Programme.

Managing director of the company E~Nema

Chair: European Society Nematologists
Lecturer of the courses: Entomopathogenic Nematodes: Taxonomy, Biology and Biocontrol and Entomopathogenic Nematodes: Biotechnology and Use in Biological Control.
His scientific interests are the biology of entomopathogenic nematodes (Heterorhabditiae and Steinernematidae) and their bacterial symbionts and the use of microbial antagonists in biological control of invertebrate pests and plant diseases. Major focus of his activities is the development of liquid culture technology for mass production of biocontrol agents and the development of IPM systems. The technology was transferred to the agro-biotech company E~Nema, which is specialized in the mass production and marketing of nematodes and microorganisms for biocontrol applications.

Researcher at Soil Service Belgium
Lecturer of the course: Tropical Plant Nematology and co-lecturer Soil Biodiversity and Nematodes as Bio-indicators of Soil Health
Dr. Annemie Elsen obtained her PhD on ‘Study of the interaction between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant-parasitic nematodes in Musa spp.’ (2002) at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (K.U.Leuven). She was a FWO post-doctoral fellow at the Laboratory of Tropical Crop Improvement, Division Crop Bio-engineering, at K.U.Leuven. She was heading the Tropical Nematology research unit. This unit is focussing on sustainable and affordable management strategies to control plant-parasitic nematodes in the tropics, with a special emphasis on small scale farming systems. Training and education in nematology of researchers in the tropics is an important objective.
Dr. Elsen is specialised in the bioprotection of plants through the application of endophytes. She is and has been involved in research projects in the tropics financed by Flemish, Belgian and multilateral donors.

Dr. Misghina Goitom Teklu, EUMAINE alumnus, has now a permanant position at Wageningen University and Research where he obtained his PhD. He assists in teaching quantitative nematology. Misghina's current research focuses on the applied aspects of nematology which can be used by farmers to manage plant-parasitic nematodes. These incluse, a.o., Evaluation of host status, Population dynamics models, Resistance testing, Yield and damage threshold models, Intensive greenhouse experiments, Intensive field validation experiment, Sampling, extraction and assessing field population densities, Developing advisory services (Decision Support Systems)

Researcher at James Hutton Institute and the University of St Andrews, UK
Lecturer of the course: Molecular Aspects of Plant Nematode Relationships
John Jones is a research scientist based at James Hutton Institute in Scotland. John is also a Guest Professor at Ghent university. John teaches Plant Nematology at the University of Dundee and also contributes to the "molecular aspects of plant-nematode relationships" module that is part of the PINC and EUMAINE MSc courses. John has over 15 years experience in working with plant parasitic nematodes. His main research interests are in molecular analysis of host parasite interactions of Globodera pallida (potato cyst nematode). John also has an interest in genomics of G. pallida and horizontal gene transfer in nematodes.

Further details can be found at

Scientist at Federal University of Pernambuco-Brazil (UFPE), Zoology Department. Invited lecturer in the course General Nematode Biology and Interactions.
Giovanni dos Santos is a full professor at UFPE and coordinator of LACIMME (Laboratory of Marine Meiofauna and Ecotoxicology), where he gives lectures to undergraduate students on Marine Biology, Zoology of Invertebrates and Ecology. Prof. dos Santos obtained his PhD on nematode populations and assemblages controls, and their effect on benthic ecosystem functioning (2009) at Ghent University.  His main research interests are: functional ecology of free-living marine nematodes, benthic ecosystem diversity, nematode population and community ecology, biomonitoring, ecosystem functioning, ecological interactions, micro/mesocosm experiments, environmental changes and toxicology. He also acts as promotor/co-promotor for master theses of the International MSc in Agro- and Environmental Nematology.

Scientist at the University of Hertsfordshire,UK.
Co-lecturer of the course Life Cycle Biology, Physiology and Behaviour of Plant-parasitic Nematodes and Strategies for Research
Professor Perry obtained a BSc (honours) degree in Zoology and a PhD in Nematology, both from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, England. After a year's post-doctoral research in Newcastle, he moved to the Dept of Biology at the University of Keele,England and for three years undertook research on aspects of nematode physiology andlectured to undergraduate students on parasitology, with an emphasis on plant-parasiticnematology. Subsequently, he was appointed as a research scientist to Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, England. His research interests have centred primarily on plant-parasitic nematodes, especially focusing on nematode hatching, sensory perception,behaviour and survival physiology. His research attracted considerable support from funding agencies, providing grants for PhD and post-doctoral students and facilitating productive collaborative research projects. Professor Perry has supervised 16 PhD students and several of his past PhD and post-doctoral students are currently involved innematology research.
He co-edited The Physiology and Biochemistry of Free-living andPlant-parasitic Nematodes and co-edited the student textbook, Plant Nematology. He is author or co-author of over 40 book chapters and refereed reviews and over 110 refereedresearch papers. He is Editor-in-Chief of Nematology and Chief Editor of the Russian Journal of Nematology and series co-editor of Nematode Monographs and Perspectives. In2001, he was elected Fellow of the Society of Nematologists (USA) in recognition of his research achievements. He is a Visiting Professor at the University of Ghent, Belgium, where he lectures on nematode biology, and also gives regular lectures to MSc courses at the Imperial College, London and Reading University, and has presented invited research seminars to several Universities and Research Institutes worldwide. 

Researcher at Plant Research International at Wageningen University
Lecturer of the course: Quantitative Plant Nematology, co-lecturer of the courses: Nematological Techniques and Management of Plant Parasitic Nematodes

Researcher at the Institute of Agricultural and Fisheries Research, Merelbeke Belgium (ILVO) - Dept. Crop Protection - Nematology
Lecturer of the course: Management of Plant-parasitic Nematodes; Nematology Techniques

Detailed info on ILVO website

Researcher at the Institute of Agricultural and Fisheries Research, Merelbeke Belgium (ILVO) - Dept. Crop Protection - Nematology

Lecturer of the courses: Life Cycle Biology, Physiology and Behaviour of Plant-parasitic Nematodes
Detailed info on ILVO website

Researcher at the Institute for Agriculture and Fisheries Research (ILVO) and co-lecturer of the course unit Nematology Techniques

Researcher at the National Plant Protection Organisation, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Lecturer of the course: Diversity of Plant-parasitic Nematodes, Nematode Morphology

James Price is a tenure track molecular plant pathologist and plant nematologist at the James Hutton Institute (Scotland, UK) with a focus on potato cyst nematodes (PCN). Over his 8 years' experience working with plant-parasitic nematodes he has investigated various aspects of parasite-host interactions, specifically; hatching, nematode surface-coats, screening for host PCN resistance and investigating host tolerance to PCN. He is co-lecturer of the course unit Life Cycle Biology, Physiology and Behaviour of Plant-parasitic Nematodes James also teaches an introduction to nematology class at the University of St Andrews as part of the invertebrate zoology (BL2304) module.

Senior scientist and research leader, full Professor at the Universidad de Alicante. He has been teaching at undergraduate and post-graduate courses in Botany, Mycology, Plant Pathology and Marine Biology. He has. He has more than twenty years research experience in Spain, the Netherlands, UK (where he got his PhD), USA and Canada on the mode of action (including molecular work), ecology, and practical development of biocontrol fungi. He studied the involvement of proteases and chitinases in the infection processes of parasites of nematode eggs. He has also investigated microscopically the mode of infection of nematophagous fungi in the plant and the nematode hosts and developed methods for production and formulation of biocontrol fungi based on plant waste products. He has also a wide experience in the mode of action of fungal pathogens especially from palms. He has cooperated with scientists in Europe, USA and Central America participating in 20 research projects financed by Spanish, EU and North American official and private funding agencies and companies. He has published more than 100 scientific papers, including invited review articles, and 9 books and book chapters. He is also member of several scientific societies and organized symposia and courses (in Spain and abroad) in the disciplines of his speciality. He has been scientific advisor for the EU and reviewed scientific papers and project applications. Prof. Lopez-Llorca has also been a member for MSc, PhD, and University lecturer evaluation boards. He is co-lecturer of the course unit Management of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes.

He has 3 years’ experience as Postdoctoral Research at University of Alicante (Spain) and University of Exeter (UA). Currently, he is Associated Professor at UA since 2022. He is teaching at undergraduate and post-graduate courses in Plant Pathology, Biology and Biotechnology in Biology and Marine Biology Degrees. He has developed several international stays at University of California Berkeley (USA) and University of Exeter (UK). He studied mode of action of chitosan as antifungal and as a compatible compound with nematophagous fungi. He has experience working with Pochonia chlamydosporia, a nematophagous fungi, studying the role of chitin/chitosan metabolisms in the fungus-host interaction. He is also investigating to implement new strategies of biocontrol base on the combination of biocontrol fungus with chitosan. Besides, he has also investigated microscopically and using molecular biology how chitosan inhibits germination, growth, and development of important fungal plant pathogens such as Magnaporthe oryzae or Botrytis cinerea. He has cooperated with scientists in Europe, USA, and Central America. He has published more than 25 scientific papers, including invited review articles, and 2 books and book chapters. He has patented some of his research generating 5 Spanish and International Patents. He is also member of several scientific societies such as Spanish Society of Plant Pathology and The Organization of Nematologists of Tropical America (ONTA). He co-lecturer of the course unit: Management of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes.

Keith Davies is Associate Professor at the University of Herstfordshire and an applied nematologist with expertise in the area of nematode pathology and its application to the development of biological control agents. He is involved in the IMaNema as a co-lecturer in the course unit Management of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes.

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