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Nematology Digital Learning Platform or NDLP

The Nematology Digital Learning Platform is an e-learning portal to facilitate global and free access to training content relevant for nematology. It is an accessible educational tool with webinars, relevant protocols, links to relevant information, virtual microscopy and demonstration videos. Currently, it consists of 3 parts:

  1. This website: scroll down to find all our publications: interactive e-learning books, pdf, lecture material and colouring books for dissemination purposes. Most of this material was developed together with our partners from the Erasmus+ CBHE “Nematology Education in Sub-Saharan Africa” (NEMEDUSSA) project. More information can be found on:
  2. A YouTube channel
  3. A protected platform for which registration is required. You can register for this platform by following the guidelines in this document

Should you have any suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us on


Colouring books - livres à colorier







Introduction to Nematology textbook Kotobee ePUB

Introduction to nematology – full textbook – epub

Chapter 1: introduction to the diverse world of nematodes – epub

Chapter 2: PPN damage symptoms and sampling – epub

Chapter 3: PPN life cycle and quantification – epub

Chapter 4: PPN from sampling to basic identification – epub

Chapter 5: PPN morphological identification – epub

Chapter 6: PPN molecular identification – epub

Chapter 7: PPN – plant resistance – epub

Chapter 8: PPN management – epub

Chapter 9: Entomopathogenic and slug parasitic nematodes – epub

Chapter 10: Caenorhabditis elegans as model organism – epub

Chapter 11: nematodes as bio-indicators – epub

Introduction to Nematology textbook PDF

Introduction to nematology – full textbook – pdf

Chapter 1: Introduction in the diverse world of nematodes

Chapter 2: PPN damage symptoms and sampling

Chapter 3: PPN life cycle and quantification

Chapter 4: PPN from sampling to basic identification

Chapter 5: PPN morphological identification

Chapter 6: PPN molecular identification

Chapter 7: PPN – plant resistance

Chapter 8: PPN management

Chapter 9: Entomopathogenic and slug parasitic nematodes

Chapter 10: Caenorhabditis elegans as model organism

Chapter 11: nematodes as bio-indicators

Introduction to Nematology Powerpoint

Chapter 11: nematodes as bio-indicators PPT

Introduction à la nématologie manuel Kotobee ePub

Chapitre 1: introduction au monde diversifié des nématodes – epub

Chapitre 2: NPP – Symptômes des dégâts et échantillonnage – epub

Chapitre 3: NPP Cycle de vie et quantification – epub

Chapitre 4: De l’échantillonnage à l’identification de base – epub

Chapitre 5: NPP Identification morphologique – epub

Chapitre 6: NPP Identification moleculaire epub

Chapitre 7: NPP Résistance des plantes – epub

Chapitre 8: NPP Gestion – epub

Chapitre 9: Nématodes entomopathogènes et parasites des limaces – epub

Chapitre 10: Le modèle Caenorhabditis elegans – epub

Chapitre 11: Les nématodes comme bioindicateurs – epub

Introduction à la nématologie manuel pdf

Introduction à la nématologie – livre complet

Chapitre 1: Introduction au monde diversifié des nématodes.

Chapitre 2: NPP – Symptômes des dégâts et échantillonnage

Chapitre 3: NPP Cycle de vie et quantification

Chapitre 4: De l’échantillonnage à l’identification de base

Chapitre 5: NPP Identification morphologique

Chapitre 6: NPP Identification moleculaire

Chapitre 7: NPP Résistance des plantes

Chapitre 8: NPP Gestion

Chapitre 9: Nématodes entomopathogènes et parasites des limaces

Chapitre 10: Le modèle Caenorhabditis elegans

Chapitre 11: Les nématodes comme bioindicateurs